Japan Facts

Japan Facts

On this page of Japan facts, you’ll find some basic fast facts of Japan, as well as links to more detailed facts about Japan and even some fun facts about Japan. And that’s a fact!

Fast Facts of Japan

Capital City of Japan: Tokyo

Population of Japan: 127,380,000 (2010 estimate)

Land area of Japan: 377,944 square kilometers

Prefectures in Japan: 47

National Flag of Japan: Hinomaru

National Anthem of Japan: Kimigayo

National Language of Japan: Japanese

Japanese Form of Government: Parlimentary with constitutional monarchy

Japanese Legislature: National Diet

Prime Minister of Japan: Naoto Kan

Emperor of Japan: Akihito

Main Industries of Japan: autos, consumer electronics, IT, heavy machinery, pop culture (anime, manga, video games)

Currency of Japan: Yen

GDP of Japan: $4.910 trillion (estimate)

Japanese Calling Code: 81

More Detailed Facts about Japan

Click on the following links to learn in more detail about:

The major Earthquakes in Japan

The mountainous Geography of Japan

The four distinct seasons that characterize the Climate of Japan

Check the current Weather in Japan

The four major Islands of Japan

The demographics and Population of Japan

An Overview of the Economy of Japan

A look at Education of Japan

An Overview of the many unique Holidays of Japan

Learn how to make heads and tails of Japanese Currency

Fun Facts about Japan

Now that you have your basic about Japan down, it’s time to check out some amusing fun facts about Japan!



