Discover Japanese Culture

Japanese Culture…One of the coolest aspects of traveling to Japan is discovering the many ways in which Japan’s traditional and modern cultures appear to mesh together seamlessly.
Daily life scenes like an ultra-modern high-rise building right next to an ancient temple, a group of young girls clad in colorful yukata summer kimono texting messages on a train as they head to a fireworks display, or a hard-core punk rocker speaking in the polite, formal “keigo” style of Japanese while being interviewed on TV somehow just seem to make sense in Japan.
In the EJG Japanese Culture section, you’ll find a wealth of information on Japanese culture and customs, as well as Japan’s unique holidays, festivals, fashions, events, and more!
Japanese Customs
Japan has many customs that are quite a departure from the way things are done in the West. Learn about Japan’s customs of eating, bathing, bowing, conducting business, weddings, funerals, and more. Learn More…
Bowing in Japan
Removing Shoes in Japan
Japanese Gift Giving
Japanese Bathing
Japanese New Year Customs
Japanese Etiquette, Manners, and Mannerisms
Japanese culture is well known for its emphasis on proper manners and etiquette. Impress your Japanese hosts with your knowledge and mastery (or at least well-appreciated attempt!) of proper Japanese etiquette and familiarity with Japanese mannerisms. Learn More…
Japanese Eating Customs
Japanese Business Etiquette
Japanese Manners and Mannerisms
Cool Japan Stuff
This section of our website is reserved simply for uniquely cool Japan stuff. If it’s cool, if it’s Japan or Japanese, and if it’s stuff, then you’ll find it right here! Learn More…
Japanese Vending Machines
Japanese Depachika
Japanese Convenience Stores
Kaiten Sushi
Facts About Japan
Learn some some basic fast facts of Japan, find links to more detailed facts about Japan, and even check out some amusing fun facts about Japan. Learn More…
Earthquakes in Japan
Islands of Japan
Geography of Japan
Climate of Japan
Weather in Japan
Population of Japan
Japanese Holidays
Did you know that both Valentine’s Day and Christmas are celebrated in Japan, but with some unique Japanese twists?
Learn more about these and other traditional Japanese holidays…
Japanese New Year
Christmas in Japan
Golden Week
Japanese Festivals and Events
From cherry blossoms in the spring, fireworks in the summer, and ice sculptures in the winter, there is a full calendar of Japanese festivals and eventsto be enjoyed year round.
Kawagoe Matsuri
Cherry Blossom Festivals
Firework Displays
Sapporo Snow Festival
Hakata Gion Yamakas Festival
Jidai Matsuri
Aoi Matsuri
Chichibu Night Festival
Takayama Festival
Tokyo Auto Show
Tokyo Game Show
Japan Fashion Trends
Harajuku, kogyaru, gothic lolita, cosplay and hime. Stay on top of the ever-changing but always cutting-edge Japanese fashion trends.
Harajuku Fashion
Shibuya Fashion
Ginza Fashion
Hime Fashion
Kawaii Fashion
Mori Fashion
Kogyaru Fashion
Amura Fashion
Kimono Fashion
Costume Play (Cosplay) Fashion
Japanese Pop Culture
Japanese traditional culture is kimono, kabuki, temples, and tea. Japanese pop culture is video games, anime, manga, gravure idols, and pop music. In recent years, the popularity of Japanese pop culturehas exploded worldwide. Find out what all of the hype is about!
Japanese Video Games
Japanese Manga
Japanese Anime
Japanese Idols
Japanese Pop Music
Japanese Trends
Check out Japan’s latest trendsin games, gadgets, TV shows, electronics, autos, foods, fashions, and more.
Japanese Electronics
Japanese Gadgets
Japanese TV
Japanese Food Trends
Japanese Fashion Trends
Keep checking back as we continue to update our Japanese Culture section with more and more great cultural info!
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